Wills & Powers of Attorney


Wills and Powers of Attorney

We always advise our clients to make a Will and ensure that Power of Attorney is in place.  At Orme Law, we have highly trained staff who can assist you through the process.  We are pleased to arrange a home visit service for our older clients.  Please discuss this with us and we will assist you in any way we can.


Making a Will:

  • gives you peace of mind and control over how your assets are distributed; and
  • protects your family’s interest and ensures your Estate is distributed quickly and most economically after your death.
  • It may also reduce your Inheritance Tax liability to nursing home fees.
  • It is important if you are separated or cohabiting with a partner.

Power of Attorney

Power of Attorney ensures a relative can deal with your financial and welfare affairs without the need for expensive court procedures, should you be unable to do so due to ill health.

Executry Management

The Executry process in Scotland can be complicated.  We will always provide a personal and sensitive service for our clients and their families at this most difficult time.